Dental examination​


During the dental examination, the dentist assesses the presence of: 

  • Caries 
  • Defective restorations 
  • Dental infection 
  • Teeth mobility 
  • Gingivitis 
  • Gingival recession 
  • Bone loss 
  • Tooth wear caused by grinding of teeth 
  • Cysts around the wisdom teeth or in the bone 
  • Joint Pain (TMJ) 
  • Oral cancers 


West Island Dental Clinic
West Island Dental Clinic

Dental Cleaning


During your dental cleaning, the hygienist proceeds to:

  • Scaling (removal of plaque and tartar)
  • Polishing (removal of stain)
  • Fluoride application

Depending on the amount of tartar and plaque accumulated, it varies

between every:

  • 3 months
  • 4 months
  • 6 months
  • 12 months

Additional treatment

When tartar builds up deep below the gum, a curettage (deep cleaning) is required. This treatment aims to remove tartar and necrotic and inflamed gum so that it can regenerate. Curettage is performed under local anesthesia.

Composite Restauration


The composite restoration is a white filling bonded to your teeth.



A composite restoration is used to repair anterior and posterior teeth. 


When a composite restoration is too extenive, a porcelain crown is recommended to reduce the risk of tooth fracture. Sometimes, the tooth is no longer repairable following such a fracture. 

West Island Dental Clinic

Dental Crown


A crown is a porcelain tooth that covers a natural tooth. It reduces the risk of fracture when the tooth is fragile. 



The porcelain crown can extend the life of a tooth. Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that the natural tooth supporting the porcelain crown breaks at the gum level, which leads to the extraction of the tooth.


Root Canal Treatment


A root canal treatment is to devitalize the tooth. The inside of the tooth is emptied, cleaned and filled to prevent bacteria from returning to the tooth. We could compare the tooth having a root canal to an Easter egg. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a surgery and the roots are not cut.

Postoperative instructions
  • You can eat and drink right after a root canal treatment. Avoid biting yourself because of the numbness caused by the anesthesia.
  • A crown is recommended following most root canal treatments to prevent the tooth from fracturing.
  • A mild sensitivity up to severe pain may occur following the root canal treatment. Take painkillers as needed. If you have a fever or swelling, contact your dentist as soon as possible.
  • Despite the high chances of success, root canal treatment may fail. It is sometimes possible to perform a retreatment or an apicoectomy to save the tooth.


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West Island Dental Clinic

Wisdom teeth extraction


Wisdom tooth extraction is recommended when there is not enough space to allow complete eruption.

Possible complications when we keep them
  • Cyst formation
  • Infection
  • Erosion and decay of the adjacent tooth
  • Displacement of the other teeth
  • Food impaction

  • Pain
  • Bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Paresthesia (permanent numbness)
  • Fracture of the mandibule

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